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  • The TxIsoPack-USB is a head mount two-wire isolated 4-20 mA output temperature transmitter. Current loop powered, its configuration is accomplished by connecting the transmitter directly to the PC's USB interface, requiring no additional driver installation. Replaces NOVUS TxIsoBlock series. The output current is linearized according to the type of input selected. It accepts thermocouples: J, K, T, E, N, R, S or B, Pt100 RTDs and mV. Input and output are isolated, eliminating ground loop problems and reducing electrical noise in the signal.

  • SuperView Mobile is a complete SCADA system designed for users who wish to do the monitoring, supervision and control of Industrial Plant/Process, Building Automation, Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Agricultural, plus any equipment big or small, using ANDROIDTM

  • This is the central theme of the video that NOVUS produced for this issue. In four minutes we present an overview of our company, its values, history, human resources, production facilities, technologies and markets. We reconfirm our commitment to social and environmental responsibility and the permanent search...

  • In addition to the configuration tool, which is available free-of-charge, now SuperView also allows the download of FieldLogger logged data.

  • The first NOVUS Sales Convention and Technical Training in the USA was held in 6/8/11.

  • NOVUS made its presence again in Mexican Market participating in the fair ExpoEletrica 2011 in Mexico City. This fair stands out for its importance in the power sector and industrial automation.

  • Experience FieldLogger’s HMI! This optional item allows users to expand and improve FieldLogger usage.

  • Participating once again at AHR Expo 2011 in Las Vegas, NOVUS has surprised everyone with highly innovative products launching.

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